Boys 2023 Spring LAX Registration

This form is not collecting results at the moment. Boys 2023 Spring LAX Registration does not collect results after 2023-04-30.
hideYou should not enter any sensitive information on this page such as health data, passwords, credit cards or social security numbers. If you are being asked or need to provide this information for your registration please contact Saddle Brook Junior Lacrosse directly. A secure checkout page will be used to collect your payment details on the next page.

Pricing Details

Total: $ 75.00

Boys 2023 Spring LAX Registration

Please fill out this form to register your son for the upcoming 2023 season
Registration Fee – $75


I, undersigned Parent/Guardian give my child permission to play in the Saddle Brook Youth Lacrosse Program. The Saddle Brook Recreation Department will assume responsibility only during practices scheduled by coaches and regular scheduled games as a secondary insurance carrier after first submitting any claims to your primary health insurance carrier.

Payment Information

Fee for 2023 Season – $75

Athletic Code of Conduct

Athletic Code of Conduct
Parents, and Athletes:

Interscholastic and youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social, and emotional development of children. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches, and officials to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Moreover, adults involved in youth sports events should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect, and self-control. I therefore pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in a youth sports event and shall conform my behavior to the following code of conduct.

1. I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with and coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
2. I will not encourage my child, or any other person to engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach.
3. I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.
4. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any coach, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
5. I will not use drugs or alcohol while at a youth sports event and will not attend, coach, officiate, or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
6. I will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to use drugs or alcohol at a youth sports event and will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to attend, coach, officiate, or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
7. I will not engage in the use of profanity.
8. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in the use of profanity.
9. I will treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or ability.
10. I will encourage my child to treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability.
11. I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at and coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
12. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
13. I will not initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
14. I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to initiate a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee.
15. Principles of integrity, professionalism, privacy and impartiality should be observed by everyone when posting online. Content pertaining to sensitive information should not be shared to the outside online community. Commissioners, Coaches, Parents and Athletes are allowed to associate themselves with the Recreation Department when posting but they must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own. Saddle Brook Recreation should not be held liable for any repercussions the posters’ content may generate.

I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in a youth sports event I will be subject to to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following:

Any altercations on the playing field at the time of a game shall result in a written warning. This includes, but not limited to, player to coach, coach to player, parent to coach, coach to parent.

1. 1st Offense: Written warning. Only one will be issued.
2. 2nd Offense: Suspension- Minimum of 1 game but up to 3 games to be determined by the Recreation Director and the league Commissioner.
3. 3rd Offense: 1 Year suspension from coaching and/ or attending games in ALL Recreation Sports. Will be determined by Recreation Director and the league Commissioner.
4. 4th Offense: Lifetime ban from Recreation sports and any Recreation function.

If there is physical contact or threats made on 1st offense or anything resulting in police involvement consequences will go directly to 2nd offense or possibly 3rd depending on the severity of the incident.

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